關鍵能力 業務接洽拓展市場協調行銷活動業績目標分配與績效達成客戶資料更新維護商業書信往來業績與管理報表撰寫國外參展業務經驗市場開發開發新客戶國外業務開發 工作職責 We are seeking a dynamic Business Engagement Manager to drive growth and success in our organization.
In this role, you will be instrumental in maximizing business opportunities by aligning regional offices with HQ strategies, coordinating internal resources, and driving sales and product strategies to achieve our revenue goals.
Key Responsibilities:- Conduct thorough market analysis to identify opportunities and threats- Develop innovative sales and product strategies to stay ahead of the competition- Manage pricing strategies to ensure competitiveness in the market- Cultivate and nurture strong relationships with partners and customers- Implement and adapt global product strategies at a regional level for maximum impact 理想人選 Requirements:- Bachelor's degree in a relevant field- 5+ years of proven experience in the IPC/ADIC/embedded system/Lap top ect..
industry- Fluency in both Mandarin and English- Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills- Work with Marketing and Product Management Teams to create GTM strategies for existing product portfolios.- Ability to work independently and collaboratively across departments 其他條件 學歷:不拘 科系:不拘 年資:6年以上工作經驗 語文: 英文:聽/精通 說/精通 讀/精通 寫/精通 管理責任:不需負擔管理責任 出差外派:需出差3個月內 公司福利 法定項目:哺乳室,週休二日,家庭照顧假,勞保,健保,陪產假,產假,特別休假,育嬰留停,女性生理假,勞退提撥金,安胎假,產檢假,就業保險,防疫照顧假,員工體檢,職災保險 福利制度:員工紅利,年終獎金,三節獎金/禮品,員工宿舍,健身器材,結婚禮金,生育津貼,社團補助,員工教育獎助學金,子女教育獎助學金,住院慰問金,國內旅遊,國外旅遊,部門聚餐,社團活動,家庭日,伙食津貼,員工團體保險
Business Engagement Manager, Xindian District
Business Engagement Manager, Xindian District
Taiwan, New Taipei City, Xindian District,
發表 August 22, 2024