(sr.) Hardware Design Engineer 資深/硬體設計工程師-tc20241, Zhonghe District
(sr.) Hardware Design Engineer 資深/硬體設計工程師-tc20241, Zhonghe District
Taiwan, New Taipei City, Zhonghe District,
發表 January 24, 2025
工作內容 Summary: A Hardware Design Engineer is responsible for schematics captures, layout design check, BOM creation,debugging and testing server mother boards / add-on cards / backplane products at Super micro Computer Inc. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: Includes the following essential duties and responsibilities (other duties may also be assigned): • Responsible for schematics capture, layout checking, BOM creation, debugging, and testing of server board/add-on card products • Modify and enhance existing designs to improve the quality of server motherboards • Collaborate with engineering and other teams to discover and resolve any engineering issues in early stage to ensure the quality and performance of the products reach its full capacity • Prepare technical documentation including product specifications, layout instructions, test procedures, etc. • Ensure products conform to engineering specification, regulatory, and customer expectations • Transfer products to manufacturing with clear documentation, and provide technical support to solve product problems • Provide clear documentation and strong technical supports to contract manufacturers and production department during the product sample and production stages Working location: 桃園市八德區興豐路號 或 新北市中和區建一路號3樓 歡迎 所有求職者 工作資訊 工作時間: 日班 休假制度: 週休二日 工作待遇: 面議(經常性薪資4萬含以上包括本薪與按月給付之固定津貼及獎金;如房租津貼、交通費、膳食費、水電費、按月發放之工作(生產績效、業績)獎金及全勤獎金等。4萬含以上) 相關職務薪資 工作性質: 全職 職務類別: 關於電腦硬體研發工程師 、 關於電子工程師 工作地點: 新北市 中和區 建一路號3樓 要求條件 工作經驗: 7年以上工作經驗 學歷限制: 大學、碩士 科系限制: 語言能力: 聽 中等 說 中等 讀 中等 寫 中等 附加條件: • Bachelor‘s degree in electrical engineering preferred and Master‘s degree is strongly desirable• 7 years of experience working with x86 server boards.• In-depth knowledge of circuit design (digital, analog, power) and PCB layout• Prior experiences with motherboard design in enterprise networking servers are strongly desired• Strong communication, written, oral, and interpersonal skills• Must have the ability to work well with cross functional team effectively• Excellent organizational skills and problem solving capability• Self-motivated, team player with ability to work in a fast-paced environment 公司福利 更多說明: ◆ 薪酬類1.每年發放 2 次績效獎金2.年度定額旅遊補助3.中秋、端午及生日禮券◆ 保險類1.勞保2.健保3.員工免費團保4.眷屬優惠自費保險◆ 休假制度1.週休二日2.優於勞基法的特休制度◆ 補助類1.結婚禮金2.生育禮金3.住院、喪禮慰問金4.子女獎學金5.運動健身補助◆ 其他類1.公司週年慶、年終尾牙2.定期電影欣賞會、電影票發放3.定期部門聚餐4.社團活動補助5.免費供應午餐(八德)6.免費機車停車位(八德) 注意!福利項⽬可能依不同職缺有所不同,實際職缺福利請依⾯試時與公司⾯談結果為準