關鍵能力 市場調查企劃與執行Product Management產品開發專案產品策略 工作職責 1.
Customer RFQ quotation2.
Schedule control and management of new products/new projects (Milestone Mst.)3.
Lead the RD Team & KA customers to communicate regularly and discuss project development schedule, specifications, technical testing, certification, etc.4.
Confirm that the project is started as scheduled, mass produced, cost budget evaluated, and quality controlled appropriately5.
Other matters assigned by the supervisor 理想人選 1.
Requires English proficiency to communicate with foreign customers2.
Requires a certain level of understanding of product technology and sensitivity to market information3.
More than 3 years of relevant experience in the industrial computer industry4.
ODM/EMS key customer service related experience5.
Vertical related experience in satellite communications, maritime affairs, national defense industry, government bidding, etc.6.
Persons with more than 3 years of experience (inclusive) as NPI or PJM in electronic system factory 其他條件 學歷:不拘 科系:不拘 年資:3年以上工作經驗 語文: 英文:聽/精通 說/精通 讀/精通 寫/精通 管理責任:不需負擔管理責任 出差外派:無需出差外派 公司福利 法定項目:哺乳室,週休二日,家庭照顧假,勞保,健保,陪產假,產假,特別休假,育嬰留停,女性生理假,勞退提撥金,安胎假,產檢假,就業保險,防疫照顧假,員工體檢,職災保險 福利制度:員工認股,年終獎金,三節獎金/禮品,特殊節日獎金禮品,咖啡吧,生活工作諮詢,生育津貼,停車費補助,員工進修補助,住院慰問金,下午茶,員工團體保險,可遠端/在家上班
產品專案經理( Product Management), Taiwan
Taiwan, 台北, 台北市,
發表 August 23, 2024