Job Description(請留意:為加快面試安排時間,2025校招僅限定投遞5個職缺)我們在找這樣的你: 資工/資管/電子/電機/電信/通訊/電控相關研究所背景,對行動通訊、無線及寛頻連結、家庭娛樂晶片解決方案有濃厚興趣的2025年應屆畢業生。 勇於表達意見,以團隊成功為目標,面對困難不輕易放棄,總是在想更好的做法,擁有創新及不斷學習的精神。 聯發科技邀請您,與全球最頂尖的菁英一同合作,彼此激盪最新的創意與解法,共同挑戰每一個不可能。Requirement熟悉OFDM通訊系統及演算法或控制理論 • 熟悉LTE/NR PHY者尤佳 • 熟悉 Assembly Matlab, TCL, C, C++, Perl/Scripting, Embedded System 者尤佳 • 熟悉 GSM/LTE/5 G/Wimax/NB-Io T、Ethernet 1 G-T/10 G-T、Ethernet 10 GEDC, 56 G-PAM4、10 G/25 G/56 G/112 G Ser Des、Mixed-signal等系統尤佳 • 熟悉儀器的操作-- VSG, VSA, Signal analyzer, channel emulator.
Wi Fi PHY algorithm background • Ethernet PHY algorithm Background
2025校招/研發替代役/應屆預聘正職_演算法開發_通訊演算法, Hsinchu
2025校招/研發替代役/應屆預聘正職_演算法開發_通訊演算法, Hsinchu
Taiwan, 新竹縣, 新竹,
發表 October 1, 2024
MediaTek Inc. is a leading fabless semiconductor company for wireless communications and digital multimedia solutions. The company is a market leader and pioneer in cutting-edge SOC system solutions for wireless communications, high-definition TV, optical storage, DVD and Blu-ray products. Founded in 1997 and listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange under the code "2454", MediaTek is headquartered in Taiwan and has sales and research subsidiaries in Mainland China, Singapore, India, U.S., Japan, Korea, Denmark and England.
Wireless Communications,
Optrical Storage,
Digital Home,
IC Development