保健食品_會計經理, Taiwan
Taiwan, 台北, 台北市,
發表 August 23, 2024
About Our Client我的客戶是著名的營養補充飲品品牌,該公司在台灣設有生產設施,進行食品的研發、生產和包裝。Job Description一、會計作業管理 規劃並建立會計作業流程。覆核各項會計作業,確保符合財務及稅務規範。二、成本作業管理 執行例行成本結算,編制成本分析報表及進行帳務處理。核算及分析專案成本執行情況,並進行後續追蹤。三、稅務及會計師簽證管理提供會計師簽證所需的各項資料。覆核公司稅務申報,並處理相關問題。四、會計報表資訊管理 分析與檢討異常項目。提供管理會計決策的相關資訊。負責預算編製及控管。編制合併財務報表。The Successful Applicant6年以上會計經驗與團隊帶領經驗
Welcome to the Michael Page global company profile.
Michael Page has nearly four decades of expertise in professional services recruitment. We were established in London in 1976, and over this period we've grown organically to become one of the best-known and most respected consultancies, with an office network spanning six continents.
While size has its advantages, it doesn't define us - the nature of our organic growth means that each new office is integrated into the region that it serves. It also means that as an employer looking to hire, or as a candidate aiming to grow your career you have the best of both worlds; a team that understands the market and geography you operate in, plus the resources and expertise of an international network at your disposal.
Our teams are broken down to focus on industry, assignment type, salary level and location, so your hiring requirements or job search will all be handled by a specialist who knows your sector inside-out. We are confident that our expertise can add value to your recruitment or job search process – get in touch to find out more.