產品行銷企劃/產品經理 Product Manager, Taiwan
Taiwan, 台北, 台北市,
發表 August 27, 2024
About Our Client一家歷史悠久且多元化的食品製造公司,以生產及銷售各類飲料、食品及健康食品聞名,產品範圍涵蓋果汁、茶飲料、罐頭食品、即食食品及各類健康補充品。Job Description品牌策略制定: 根據全球品牌方針,設計符合台灣市場需求的品牌策略,並進一步制定年度行銷計劃。產品開發與管理: 通過市場與消費者調查,策劃和推動新產品計劃,需與原廠及跨部門進行協調與合作。廣告宣傳規劃與執行: 覆蓋線上與線下的溝通策略與效果分析。其他專案活動的規劃與推動。The Successful Applicant外食通路(B2 B) PM 客戶對象為盤商/廚師(使用者) 職位最高可考慮到課長/副課長,非管理職 需有英文能力(日常溝通及年度計畫) 對食品業界有熱忱 需與業務及跨部門溝通能力
Welcome to the Michael Page global company profile.
Michael Page has nearly four decades of expertise in professional services recruitment. We were established in London in 1976, and over this period we've grown organically to become one of the best-known and most respected consultancies, with an office network spanning six continents.
While size has its advantages, it doesn't define us - the nature of our organic growth means that each new office is integrated into the region that it serves. It also means that as an employer looking to hire, or as a candidate aiming to grow your career you have the best of both worlds; a team that understands the market and geography you operate in, plus the resources and expertise of an international network at your disposal.
Our teams are broken down to focus on industry, assignment type, salary level and location, so your hiring requirements or job search will all be handled by a specialist who knows your sector inside-out. We are confident that our expertise can add value to your recruitment or job search process – get in touch to find out more.