Product Manager - Ai Startup, Taiwan
Taiwan, 台北, 台北市,
發表 September 27, 2024
About Our Client這家公司專注於開發 AI 產品,尤其針對合約審閱和文件分析,透過自動化技術幫助客戶簡化複雜的合約流程。他們的主要產品能夠適用於各種文件處理需求。該公司已在多個領域展開應用,包括文件、資料處理等,致力於提升工作效率並降低人為錯誤風險Job Description主導平台產品策略,確保產品符合市場需求並與公司願景一致深入掌握企業客戶的 AI 需求,特別針對隱私保護和本地部署的要求與工程團隊緊密合作,規劃並優化核心模組功能制定產品路線圖,兼顧短期目標與長遠發展的願景蒐集並分析用戶反饋,持續優化產品體驗撰寫完整的產品需求文檔(PRD),確保開發團隊清楚理解產品願景協調工程、設計、市場和銷售等跨部門團隊,推動產品從概念到發布的全流程監控產品的性能指標,並制定與實施增長策略研究競爭對手及市場趨勢,確保在AI工具箱市場中保持競爭優勢設計並優化產品的用戶介面與工作流程,確保非技術背景的使用者也能輕鬆操作與客戶進行交流,深入了解各行各業對AI工具的需求推動國際化策略,協助公司從台灣市場拓展至全球市場The Successful Applicant擁有2年以上科技產品管理經驗,尤其專注於AI、機器學習或大數據領域深入理解AI技術,尤其是在自然語言處理(NLP)、機器學習及數據處理方面出色的分析能力,能夠將複雜技術轉化為容易理解的產品特色優異的專案管理能力,能夠在高壓且快速變動的環境下,成功推動多項專案進行具備強大的溝通與協作能力,能夠有效地與技術及非技術團隊成員合作具備敏銳的商業洞察力,熟悉企業級軟體市場與銷售流程熟悉敏捷開發方法論,能靈活應用於產品開發具備數據分析能力,能夠依據數據作出關鍵的產品決策英語溝通能力優秀,能勝任國際市場拓展相關工作
Welcome to the Michael Page global company profile.
Michael Page has nearly four decades of expertise in professional services recruitment. We were established in London in 1976, and over this period we've grown organically to become one of the best-known and most respected consultancies, with an office network spanning six continents.
While size has its advantages, it doesn't define us - the nature of our organic growth means that each new office is integrated into the region that it serves. It also means that as an employer looking to hire, or as a candidate aiming to grow your career you have the best of both worlds; a team that understands the market and geography you operate in, plus the resources and expertise of an international network at your disposal.
Our teams are broken down to focus on industry, assignment type, salary level and location, so your hiring requirements or job search will all be handled by a specialist who knows your sector inside-out. We are confident that our expertise can add value to your recruitment or job search process – get in touch to find out more.