Quality Systems Project Leader, Yangmei District
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Quality systems project leader
3 M has a long-standing reputation as a company committed to innovation. We provide the freedom to explore and encourage curiosity and creativity. We gain new insight from diverse thinking, and take risks on new ideas. Here, you can apply your talent in bold ways that matter. Job Description: Assume...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
[communications & Marketing]- Senior Specialist, Taiwan
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: [communications & marketing]- senior specialist
Job Overview】As a Senior Specialist in Regional Communications, you are responsible for internal and external communications, public relations, and internal/external events at SHL within your specified region. You will be building and maintaining trusted relationships with local media representative...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
Director Of Operations (taiwan), Zhongli District
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Director of operations (taiwan)
*須至桃園廠區上班,無提供遠距工作。月薪NT$150,000元 ~ 200,000元 (固定或變動薪資因個人資歷或績效而異)* 身為台灣管理團隊的一員,您將依加州總部指示,管理、統轄AMAX台灣生產及營運事務。職責包含: 管理生產流程與所有相關業務及人員配置,確保流程高效,營運成果如期達標。 依據產線與客戶需求,規劃與支援相關生產作業,包含但不限於產品組裝、測試、品質管理與優化、供應鏈管理等。 代表AMAX台灣團隊,參與客戶、供應商或廠商對談,創造商業機會和利益,並經營長遠、穩固的商業關係。 與總部管理與工程團隊密切協作,即時反映狀況,並秉持經驗與專業,提出高品質解決方案與總部討論,確保營運達...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
製造業-人資部經理/協理, Taiwan
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: 製造業-人資部經理/協理
關鍵能力 員工教育訓練與需求分析薪資與績效獎酬辦法設計人力資源 工作職責 計畫、主導並協調組織內人力資源管理活動,將人力資源策略運用發揮最大綜效,並確保員工召募任用、薪資獎酬、訓練發展、人事規章等功能之完備與合於法令規範。1. 擬定人力資源政策,訂定選、訓、用、留的計畫,以達成企業的策略目標。2. 建立完整的召募與任用制度(職務說明書、薪資結構、召募甄選流程與工具),讓企業具備招募優秀人才的優勢。3. 建立符合企業文化的人才發展體制,以有系統的培訓員工,強化企業的人才資本。4. 建立績效管理與薪酬制度,訂定調薪政策、獎酬制度、退休金制度,以維持企業的競爭力,留下優秀人才。5. 調解勞資爭議、處...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
Product Quality Engineer, Taiwan
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Product quality engineer
JOB DESCRIPTION At Du Pont, we are working on things that matter; whether it’s providing clean water to more than a billion people on the planet, producing materials that are essential in everyday technology devices from smartphones to electric vehicles, or protecting workers around the world. If yo...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
Product Quality Engineer, Dayuan District
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Product quality engineer
JOB DESCRIPTION At Du Pont, we are working on things that matter; whether it’s providing clean water to more than a billion people on the planet, producing materials that are essential in everyday technology devices from smartphones to electric vehicles, or protecting workers around the world. If yo...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
Process Engineer, Dayuan District
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Process engineer
JOB DESCRIPTION At Du Pont, we are working on things that matter; whether it’s providing clean water to more than a billion people on the planet, producing materials that are essential in everyday technology devices from smartphones to electric vehicles, or protecting workers around the world. If yo...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
Customer Success Analyst, Taiwan
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Customer success analyst
Job Description This position will be responsible for delighting clients through delivering retail measurement insights and analysis. Main responsibilities include: Providing performance overview analysis and business issue analysis to Consumer Packaged Goods clients around Asia Providing in-...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
Rf測試工程師(華亞), Taiwan
工作類型: 全職 | 合同類型: 永恆的 | 職業: Rf測試工程師(華亞)
職缺說明 1.執行案件測試 2.測試環境與儀器Daily check 3.校驗儀器允收 4.培養測試問題的處理能力 5.環境整潔維護&執行主管交辦事項 應徵資格 1. 須要配合輪班與可加班安排者,優先錄取 2. 無工作經驗可,具RF相關工作經驗者,優先錄取 其他資訊 SGS 價值觀 熱情 Passion 誠信 Integrity 企業家精神 Entrepreneurship 開創性 Innovative Spirit 福利 公司制度:週休二日、優於勞基法工時制度 保險制度:勞保、健保、團體保險 獎金福利:年終獎金、三...
桃園市 in 桃園市 (Taiwan)
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