
2024校園徵才專區, Taiwan

發表 2024-10-01
過期 2024-11-01
ID #2372861359
2024校園徵才專區, Taiwan
Taiwan, 台中, 台中市,
發表 October 1, 2024


Our vision is to transform how the world uses information to enrich life for all.

Micron Technology is a world leader in innovating memory and storage solutions that accelerate the transformation of information into intelligence, inspiring the world to learn, communicate and advance faster than ever.

JR47513 2024校園徵才專區 (Evergreen)Job Description Be Micron, Be the World.

美光看見您的未來!為職業生涯選定最好的起跑點,美光積極尋找優秀人才,無論性別、國籍或科系,邀請你一同發揮創新力量,讓我們發掘你的無限潛能。台灣美光提供多元文化的工作環境給想要接軌國際舞台的你,歡迎加入美光,為自己的職涯開創無限可能。 美光校園徵才 - 有機會獲得美光Offer的加速管道:越早投遞,機會越大!- 校園徵才現場面談場次: 美光將與用人主管於校園徵才博覽會當天直接前往校園,省去找工作的舟車勞頓!美光將於以下校園博覽會當天,同步進行現場面談,也歡迎直接攜帶履歷至美光攤位哦!2024/03/09 陽明交通大學2024/03/10 成功大學2024/03/16 清華大學 校園招募對象:1.

大學/研究所畢業兩年內或2023-2024 應屆畢業生2.

工作經驗兩年內的學長姐也非常歡迎哦! 校園招募職類:製程工程、設備工程、品質工程、軟體工程、智慧製造、廠務工程、工業工程職類等 。更多職缺請搜尋 應徵準備資料:中/英文履歷自傳、所有學期成績單、英文檢定成績,如有相關作品歡迎列入履歷中或另附專案簡報(1-2頁) 工作地點:台中市后里區三豐路4段369號(中科后里科學園區)桃園市龜山區復興三路667號(華亞科技園區)Be Micron, Be the World.

We are looking for talents who want to pave a career path to become a semiconductor expert, regardless of your gender, nationality, culture or major.

Micron provides multiculturalism working environments for everyone, welcome to join Micron.

Let Micron enrich your life.

Micron 2024 Campus Bonus! – the earlier you apply, the earlier you get Micron’s offer!- Campus interview event:2024/03/02 National Taiwan University2024/03/09 National Chiao Tung University2024/03/10 National Cheng Kung University2024/03/16 National Tsing Hua University Jobs for New College Graduates: Process Engineering, Equipment Engineering, Quality Engineering, IT/SMAI, Facility Engineering, Industrial Engineering You can also search for Micron's latest recruiting information on Jobs at Micron.

Required documents for application: English resume and autobiography, transcripts for all semesters, related projects (collect in a PDF with words and pictures).

Work Location:1.

Taichung2. Taoyuan


工作類型: 全職
合同類型: 永恆的
薪酬類型: 每月
職業: 2024校園徵才專區

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